

Demonstrate section subtargetting via articles to see if feasible. Oh SHIT!!!!

Demo 2

Demonstrate section subtargetting via articles to see if feasible. Demonstrate section subtargetting via articles to see if feasible.Demonstrate section subtargetting via articles to see if feasible.Demonstrate section subtargetting via articles to see if feasible.Demonstrate section subtargetting via articles to see if feasible.Demonstrate section subtargetting via articles to see if feasible.Demonstrate section subtargetting via articles to see if feasible.Demonstrate section subtargetting via articles to see if feasible.

Demo 3


Adding an image into the page contents

test image of random splashscreens

This doesn't have to be the end of the content, we can keep going. This can support pretty much all html content.

visual illusion


I AM A PRODUCTS - a placeholder page, brought to you by vapidness I don't have too much to add here.

Test Page

at 70/100

In this page element we're recording some html markup that'll be useful in future usage.

hot reloading keshavbhatt/orange - a soundcloud ui
keshavbhatt/red - a youtube ui
keshavbhatt/playlist-dl - playlist dl gui

Playing with dialogs.

Esc to close.

Dialogs and :modals are weird and were implemented with explicit dependencies on JS.

Even explicitly assigning the aria-modal="true" does not generate the correct modal behavior.

The <form> tie ins are really interesting and solve some react problems

The close button on this modal is an example of leveraging dialog form method.

Neat thing we can't do becuase of the aria issue:

                        dialog { display: block; };
                        dialog:not(:target):not([open]) { display: none; }
                        <a href="#dialog">Open dialog</a>
(This is similar to how sections are pages.)

What This Is

Some small portion of this Webpage started as testing basic HTML. It's also largely managed by a private and local basic php form logic that lets me generate basic content via a very low logic CMS. At least that's how it started.

Since then I've decided on treating this testing page as an old school personal home page because I'm not really all that clever or consistent when it comes to contributing regular content.

I expect to include random links, random testing, maybe some random references to stuff I've done. Hell, maybe I'll even upload actual personal page content or original content at some point (don't hold your breath). This is largely to screw around with.

Also to demonstrate a generated Single Page website that I can hopefully keep at or near perfect web optimization scores. The wheel is being overly reinvented when simple HTML and small impact basic Javascript only APIs (like the Modal/Dialog API) in browsers are well more than enough to create an impressive modern website. Part of the conceit here is that I'll do as much as possible with low level browser resources. No React/Angular/Vue, no Bootstrap or Vercel, just good new fashioned HTML5, CSS, and vanilla JS.

All non-image content here is contained, for testing purposes, in a single HTML page.